A Generous Heart

Jesus said, “As for what is inside you – be generous to the poor, and everything will be clean for you.” But if I have nothing, how can I be generous to the poor?

The Purpose of Prayer

We often do not know what we truly need. Thus, prayer simply needs to be a humble expression of our wishes to God who is always present and listening.

What is a good neighbor?

In the story of the Good Samaritan, Jesus redefines who and what is a neighbor. According to this teaching, a neighbor is the one who is willing to help when you are in trouble and need…

Heaven, According to Jesus

In the Gospels, Jesus repeatedly teaches that Heaven is essentially and entirely different from any worldly matters, meaning what you possess in the world does not matter at all.

Our Emotional Mind

Many emotions exist in our mind all together, often in a mixed and confused way. And unfortunately, the negative emotions can overtake all the others. 

The Light of a New Sun

Some of us might wish to begin the coming year entirely new, leaving all the mistakes of the past and the consequential burdens behind.

Why did God create humanity?

God did not create humans for a certain purpose or even a task that was for God. When we read Genesis carefully, we could understand that the intention of the Creator was simply that humans live a good and joyful life.

Seeking Truth

Acknowledging truth as truth is often much more challenging than we might assume. This is because the truth often reveals facts that are neither beneficial nor favorable to people…

Made Whole Again

“She will bear a son, and you are to name him Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.” For the past 2,000 years, people wrote many stories, theories, and theologies centered around two key words: “save” and “sins.”

The Word Became Flesh

God chose to incarnate as a human baby to reconnect and restore the broken relationship with humanity…