Church Council
The Swedenborgian Church of San Francisco (through the Christian teachings of Emanuel Swedenborg, in marriage with the divinely inspired aesthetics of human creativity and our natural surroundings) seeks to provide a source of warm fellowship, artistic inspiration and spiritual development to its parishioners.
The Church seeks to provide its gifts in keeping with the charter of the Church of the New Jerusalem and in concert with the most sacred notions of a loving and caring God. The Church wishes to service as many people as possible, within the comfortable limits of our physical space, ministerial resources and financial wherewithal.
The Church seeks to attract new members and to sustain current members through a select group of special programs aimed at enhancing the spiritual development and well being of our members, their children and their families. The Church has as its primary goal the strengthening of the intimacy and warmth of our member community and, at the same time seeks to be a spiritual resource to every person who may come in contact with our ministries.
The Church Council works together resolving issues and developing programs to continue this mission of the San Francisco Swedenborgian Church. The Church Council meets monthly. For more information, please contact the church office at (415) 346-6466.
Monthly council meeting digests can be found here.
Members of the Council
- Jennifer Lindsay, President –
- Andrew Dodd, Vice President –
- Lea Park, Secretary –
- Robert Carr, acting Treasurer
- Carolyn O’Brien
- Roseanna Mathers
- Ewa Robinson
- Rev. Junchol Lee
- Randy Wiederhold