
Sunday Worship Service 11 a.m.

Our Sunday worship service starts at 11 a.m., a traditional Christian service that usually lasts about one hour.  Join us for our coffee and fellowship hour in the Parish House following service. Childcare & Sunday School is offered during most services.

Watch our Sunday service live stream on our website here or on our Facebook page

Sunday Service – July 28th with Rev. Junchol Lee

Light Under a Jar: Jesus is one of those teachers who gave us many parables. Why parables? There could be a number of answers to that question. One that Swedenborg gives is because a much bigger meaning could be contained in a parable. This Sunday, Rev. Lee reflects on one particular parable in Mark where Jesus lifts up a lamp and explores its possible significance to our spiritual cultivations.

Readings: Luke 8:16-18; Exodus 25:31-40; Apocalypse Revealed #796 (Swedenborg)

Text of each Sunday’s Bulletin available on our website here.

Upcoming Services

August 4 – Rev. Junchol Lee, Communion Sunday
August 11– Dr. Rebecca Esterson, Worship in Meditation
August 18 – Rev. Junchol Lee

Additional Worship Services

Past Sermons Archive
A selection of sermons and spiritual messages are available on our website here and on our Facebook page here.

Online Worship Community
The Rev. Wilma Wake is the minister of our denomination’s first on-line spiritual community. If you live far from a local Swedenborgian church, or find yourself otherwise homebound, you may enjoy visiting www.SwedenborgianCommunity.org.