Why did God create humanity?
God did not create humans for a certain purpose or even a task that was for God. When we read Genesis carefully, we could understand that the intention of the Creator was simply that humans live a good and joyful life.
Minister’s Blog
God did not create humans for a certain purpose or even a task that was for God. When we read Genesis carefully, we could understand that the intention of the Creator was simply that humans live a good and joyful life.
Acknowledging truth as truth is often much more challenging than we might assume. This is because the truth often reveals facts that are neither beneficial nor favorable to people…
“She will bear a son, and you are to name him Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.” For the past 2,000 years, people wrote many stories, theories, and theologies centered around two key words: “save” and “sins.”
God chose to incarnate as a human baby to reconnect and restore the broken relationship with humanity…
The grateful heart does not stem from having a better life, having more than others, or even necessarily having things go your way.
The Western concept of apocalypse might have been inspired by their observation of nature, especially the passing of seasons.
Anyone who is in the position of leading or commending could be defined as a leader. The important question is, would that person lead for the good of the people or for their own self-interest?
The traditional Christian belief has been that faith is the gift of God. Does this mean that faith is not something a person could obtain by one’s own will and efforts?
Achieving one’s independence is not the goal of a human life, but perhaps just the beginning of one’s responsible life.
The mission of being disciples means to “heal the sick” as Jesus instructed. The sick being both those who have physical illness and those who have spiritual illness.