Where is God when life is hard?

When fear or anxiety overwhelm our minds, we often retreat and shrink to be much smaller than who we really are. Thus, often we assume the problem or struggle in front of us is larger than what it actually is.


Communion Worship Service March 5, 2023 Prelude: “Be the Centre” By Michael Frye – Satoko Leisek, keyboardist *Greetings Announcements Wise Words from John Gaul *Hymn: “Let Us Break Bread … Read more

A Journey to Selflessness

The purpose of human creation is to become beings who transcend their own selves and love others as God does. However, loving others selflessly requires unlearning our seemingly innate tendency to be selfish or self-centered. For this reason, this process feels like an impossible challenge…


Worship Service February 26, 2023 Prelude: Prelude No.8  BWV858 From Well-tempered Clavier by J.S.Bach – Satoko Leisek, keyboardist Greetings Announcements Wise Words from John Gaul Hymn: “In Boundless … Read more

What Comes of Envy

in Numbers 12 Aaron and Miriam went against Moses saying, “Has the Lord spoken only through Moses? Has he not spoken through us also?” Tellingly, the translators of the Bible titled Numbers 12 as “Aaron and Miriam jealous of Moses.” But what was the cause of such negative and destructive feelings?


Worship Service February 19, 2023 Prelude: Original composition by James Washington – James Washington, keyboardist Greetings Announcements Wise Words from John Gaul Hymn: “Hope of the World” Opening of … Read more

Managing Expectations

Whether they serve us or not, we often have trouble letting go of expectations. When our expectations are met, we are pleased and delighted. However, when our expectations are not met, we are saddened and at times angry and complain.

The Flock of Jesus

According to Jesus, the qualification to be a good shepherd is to be willing “to lay one’s life for the sheep.” This is very inspiring for two reasons: 1. As the good shepherd, Jesus would provide all of us equal and fair opportunities for spiritual renewal and fulfillment; 2. Jesus would not do or even intend anything that would be harmful to humans.


Communion Luncheon Service February 5, 2023 Prelude: Shall We Gather at the River, Words & Music by Robert Lowry (1826-99) – Charles Calhoun, keyboardist Greetings  Announcements Opening of the … Read more

Spiritual Nourishment

Just as our physical body requires material nutrients for its life, our spiritual body requires spiritual nutrients for its life. And, just as our physical body weakens or deforms when it lacks necessary nutrients, our spiritual body follows in the same way when we cultivate evil instead of goodness and falsity instead of truth.