Is our loving God angry?
How could God, who loves humans, stay angry forever and the condemnation was final until the sacrificial death of Jesus?
How could God, who loves humans, stay angry forever and the condemnation was final until the sacrificial death of Jesus?
In my experience, having and raising a child requires almost unconditional sacrifice of the mother as the one who would carry the child in her womb for nine months and then breastfeed the child for many months after.
For us, it is natural to only believe in physical reality because we are born into such a condition. But according to Swedenborg, the first humans were endowed with the ability of perceiving and experiencing spiritual reality as well as physical reality.
Swedenborg did not believe that the Bible is a historical book based on or inspired by facts at all, but an illustration of our spiritual cultivation and journey written in a symbolic language which he calls correspondences.
There is a critical difference between what Jesus proclaims as “to be born from above” and what the evangelical churches emphasize as “born-again.” What Jesus meant by “to be born from above” is to live a life of charity and love to others. Meanwhile…
According to Swedenborg, truth is the way love becomes real in the most effective and appropriate way. In other words, where there is true love, there is also truth.