Searching for What is Already Found

People at the time of Jesus expected Jesus to be the king of their physical realm. However, Jesus is the king of the spiritual realm, which is already present within us…

Why do we make bad choices?

People choose things that are not helpful or even harmful to them despite having obvious, better choices. This could be due to greed, overwhelming emotion, or ignorance. Yet, there is a deeper challenge to humans: we are born in a materialistic reality and raised by its principles.

Where is the truth?

Being truthful to oneself is the key to being faithful. In other words, believing in something or some being faithfully could only be possible when one’s heart is authentic and transparent.

How do you live your life?

Actions are the most visible and often most influential expressions of a human being. However, if you were to be asked, “Is an action at any given moment the most accurate and representative expression of your mind?”, you may be puzzled. 


Worship Service February 18, 2024 Prelude:  Improvisation – James Washington, pianist Greetings Announcements Hymn: “Seek Ye First the Presence of God”  Opening of the Word … Read more

What are we asking of God?

People often seem to misunderstand that the good things intended by God might not be the same good things that people desire to possess in this world.

The Worried Mind

The problem of worrying is not from being conscious of actual or potential problems, which is a necessary act, but from being in a state of anxiety and uncertainty, which causes a big negative impact on the mind.


Communion Worship Service February 4, 2024 Prelude:  Chorale by Léon Boëllmann – Charles Calhoun, keyboardist Greetings Announcements Hymn: What a Friend We Have In Jesus Opening … Read more

What are heavenly treasures?

The treasures the ancient people were desperate to seek and find were not something worth a lot of money or something that would grant them supernatural ability. Instead, they may have sought hope…


Worship Service January 28, 2024 Prelude: Impromptu in A Minor by J. Yang  – Jieun Yang, pianist Greetings Announcements Hymn: “Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee” – Vs. 1, … Read more