Dana Owens
Pledge & Support
Make a financial pledge for 2024! Can we count on you to support this place where you find peace, respite, community, and acceptance?
A Generous Heart
Jesus said, “As for what is inside you – be generous to the poor, and everything will be clean for you.” But if I have nothing, how can I be generous to the poor?
The Purpose of Prayer
We often do not know what we truly need. Thus, prayer simply needs to be a humble expression of our wishes to God who is always present and listening.
What is a good neighbor?
In the story of the Good Samaritan, Jesus redefines who and what is a neighbor. According to this teaching, a neighbor is the one who is willing to help when you are in trouble and need…
Worship Service Live Stream
Live stream available here every Sunday at 11 am! Follow link to join & for more info.
Heaven, According to Jesus
In the Gospels, Jesus repeatedly teaches that Heaven is essentially and entirely different from any worldly matters, meaning what you possess in the world does not matter at all.