Why value humility?

All who exalt themselves will be humbled, and all who humble themselves will be exalted.

Matthew 23:12

Dear members and friends,

Interestingly, the concept of humility was not welcomed in the Greco-Roman world during the time when Jesus taught. Rather, people in the Greco-Roman world perceived humility as a weakness as they valued honor and high status. Thus, humility became a virtue among Christians. In Matthew 23:12, the English word humble is a translation of the Greek word tapeinoó. Tapeinoo means “to bring or make low.” In a way, being humble involves intentionally lowering oneself beneath others. This was not welcomed by the people because being lower than others often meant becoming a servant or slave. That is why the word for “exalt” in Greek is hupsoó, which means “to lift up” or “to raise high.” This illustrates a basic human desire throughout history that standing higher than others was always more desired and admired. 

Jesus emphasizes humility as a spiritual virtue that God loves. Humility can only be present in our mind when we intentionally make ourselves lower than others. Such a mentality requires deep, spiritual cultivation in order to lower one’s ego and put aside one’s selfishness. As we lower our ego and let go of our selfish desires, the love of God can flow more freely into us, filling the space we’ve made in our hearts. And as God’s love fills our hearts, our spirits experience fulfillment, contentment, and joy.

My brothers and sisters in God, let us take a moment of meditation this week. Let us look around and see our God-given brothers and sisters. Let us bring them in our hearts, and be willing to meet them where they are. 

Rev. Junchol Lee