Hear the 10:00 PM Christmas Eve Story
Spiritual Message by Lyman Dave, December 24, 2009
Hear the 7:30 PM Christmas Eve Sermon
Sermon by The Rev. Jeff Cheifetz, December 24, 2009
Hear the 5:00 PM Christmas Eve Story
Childrens’ Story by The Rev. Doug Moss, December 24, 2009
Hear “Parents Of God”
Sermon by The Rev. Jeff Cheifetz, December 20, 2009
Scripture readings: Micah 5:1-5 and Luke 1:39-56
Hear “What We Have Been Waiting For”
Sermon by The Rev. Megan Rohrer, December 13, 2009
Scripture readings: Zephaniah 3:14-20 and Philippians 4:4-7
The Rev. Megan Rohrer is a Lutheran pastor and the Executive Director of Welcome: A Communal Response to Poverty (http://www.welcomeministry.org/)
Hear “B.H.A.G.”
Sermon by The Rev. Jeff Cheifetz, December 6, 2009
Scripture readings: Malachi 3:1-4 and Luke 3:1-6
Hear “Wake Up!”
Sermon by The Rev. Jeff Cheifetz, November 29, 2009
Scripture readings: Jeremiah 33:14-16 and Luke 21:25-36
Hear “Thanksgiving”
Sermon by The Rev. Jeff Cheifetz, November 22, 2009
Scripture readings: Joel 2:21-27 and Matthew 6:24-34
Hear “How Do We Unknow What We Unknow?”
Sermon by The Rev. Doug Moss, November 15, 2009
Rev. Moss is pastor of the Swedenborgian Church across the bay from our church, in El Cerrito.
Scripture readings: 1 Samuel 2:1-10 and Mark 13:1-8
Hear “Love On The Edge”
Sermon by The Rev. Jeff Cheifetz, November 8, 2009
Scripture readings: Ruth 3:1-5, 4:13-17 and Mark 12:38-44
Hear “Guided by the Love of Our Souls”
Spiritual Message by Rodrigo Marcus, November 1, 2009
Scripture readings: Deuteronomy 6:1-9 and Mark 12:28-34
Rodrigo Marcus, M.A. is a dream practitioner, retreat director, and spiritual director. He facilitates dream groups in the East Bay and retreats across the U.S. He completed his Master’s Degree in Consciousness Studies, and certificates in Dream Studies and Spiritual Direction. He is a parishioner and father of two boys, Rafael and Javier.
Hear “Take Heart”
Sermon by The Rev. Jeff Cheifetz, October 25, 2009
Hear “Follow Me”
Sermon by The Rev. Dr. Jonathan E. Mitchell, October 18, 2009
Scripture readings: Exodus 40:34-38 and Mark 1:14-20
Rev. Dr. Jonathan E. Mitchell, one of the Chapel Ministers of the Wayfarers Chapel. He grew up in Plymouth County, Massachusetts, amid the dairy farms and cranberry bogs. Before entering the ministry, he earned a Ph.D. in linguistics at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst. After ordination in 1997, he served the National Swedenborgian Church in Washington D.C. for five years. Since 2003 he has served as Chapel Minister at The Wayfarers Chapel in Rancho Palos Verdes, California. In his spare time Jonathan enjoys language study, hiking, and exploring the natural history of California.
Hear “Love Will Come Chasing After Me”
Sermon by The Rev. Dr. Robin Crawford, October 11, 2009
Scripture readings: Psalm 23 and 1 John 3:16-20
Rev. Dr. Robin Crawford, Ph.D., is a Presbyterian minister who has pastored several churches, and serveral as interim Associate Executive of the San Francisco Presbytery. He has a law practice in Pacifica in wills and estate planning.
Hear “Integrity”
Sermon by The Rev. Jeff Cheifetz, October 4, 2009
Scripture readings: Job 1:1, 2:1-10 and Mark 10:2-16
Hear “Hope Reaches Out”
Sermon by The Rev. Nancy Martin Vincent, September 27, 2009
Scripture readings: Genesis 18:1-15 and Romans 5:1-5
Hear “Is Silence Always Golden?”
or read it here on Facebook
or download it here in PDF format
Spiritual Message by Dr. Darleen Pryds, September 20, 2009
Scripture readings: James 3:13-18 and Mark 9:30-37
Darleen Pryds, Ph.D., is a Professor of Christian Spirituality at the Franciscan School of Theology of the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley. She specialized in historical studies and is considered one of the country’s leading experts in lay Christian preaching in the medieval period. She has taken an interest in Swedenborg recently and sits on Jim Lawrence’s doctoral dissertation committee.
Read “Where Are You?”
Sermon by The Rev. Dr. George F. Dole, September 13, 2009
Scripture readings: Genesis 3:1-9 and John 14:1-7
Hear “Words And Wisdom”
Sermon by The Rev. Jeff Cheifetz, September 13, 2009
Scripture readings: Proverbs 1:20-33 and Mark 8:27-38
Hear “Good And Evil”
Sermon by The Rev. Jeff Cheifetz, September 6, 2009
Scripture readings: James 2:1-10, 14-17 and Mark 7:24-37
Hear “Love Song”
or read it here
Sermon by The Rev. Jeff Cheifetz, August 30, 2009
Scripture readings: Song of Songs 2:8-13 and John 6:56-69
Hear “It is The Spirit that Gives Life”
Sermon by The Rev. Jeff Cheifetz, August 23, 2009
Scripture readings: 1 Kings 8: 1, 6, 10-11, 22-30, 41-43 and John 6:56-69
Hear “The Ultimate Diet Plan”
Sermon by The Rev. Kathy Speas, August 16, 2009
Scripture readings: Proverbs 9:1-6 and John 6:51-58
Hear “The Direction of Our Deepest Loves”
Sermon by The Rev. Jeff Cheifetz, August 9, 2009
Scripture readings: 2 Samuel 18:5-9, 15, 31-33 and John 6:35, 41-51
Hear “Feeding on The Bread of Life”
Spiritual Message by Carla Hall Belmonte, August 2, 2009
Hear “Fuel for the Journey”
Sermon by The Rev. Jeff Cheifetz, August 2, 2009
Scripture readings: Ephesians 4:1-7, 11-16 and John 6:24-3
Hear “Calming The Beast”
Sermon by The Rev. Jeff Cheifetz and The Rev. Kim Hinrichs, July 26, 2009
Scripture readings: Ephesians 3:14-21 and John 6:1-5, 8-9, 13b-21
Hear “Rest”
Sermon by The Rev. Jeff Cheifetz, July 19, 2009
Scripture readings: 2 Samuel 7:1-14 and Mark 6:30-34, 53-56
Hear “Love Is Our Life”
Sermon by The Rev. Lana Sandahl, July 12, 2009
Scripture readings: Jeremiah 23: 1-5 and John 1:1-5
Hear “Power”
or read it here
Sermon by The Rev. Jeff Cheifetz, July 5, 2009
Scripture readings: 2 Samuel 5:1-10 and Matthew 6:25-34
Hear “A Calm And Quiet Soul”
Sermon by The Rev. Joan Huff, June 28, 2009
Scripture readings: Psalm 131:1-2 and Matthew 6:25-34
The Rev. Joan Huff is a retired minister member of the Presbytery of San Francisco. She serves as a Parish Associate at 7th Ave Presbyterian Church in San Francisco as an occasional preacher and a spiritual director. Joan lives in San Francisco amid all her nuclear family including her parents in asssisted living, and her 3 year old grandson Tyler for whom she cares every Wednesday.
Hear “PRN (Take As Needed): The 3 Rs”
Spiritual Message by Joy Barnitz, June 21, 2009
Scripture readings: John 15:4
Hear “Dealing With Lying: Authenticity”
Spiritual Message by Carla Hall Belmonte, June 21, 2009
Scripture readings: Psalm 40
Hear “Identifying With Positive Emotions”
Spiritual Message by John R. Gwynn, June 21, 2009
Scripture reading: Psalm 100
Hear “Hidden and Mysterious”
Sermon by The Rev. Jeff Cheifetz, June 14, 2009
Scripture readings: 1 Samuel 15:34-35, 16:10-13 and Mark 4:26-34
Hear “Growing Young”
Sermon by The Rev. Jeff Cheifetz, June 7, 2009
Scripture readings: Isaiah 6:1-13 and John 3:1-10
Hear “Sustaining a Buoyant Heart”
Spiritual Message by Christine Rodgers, May 24, 2009
Scripture readings: Acts 1:1-11 and Ephesians 1:15-23
Christine Rodgers is an actor and poet living in San Francisco. Her poetry has appeared in America, National Catholic Reporter, Radical Grace and on a variety of websites. In 2000 she appeared as a panelist in The Forum at Grace Cathedral entitled “The Creative Spirit in Poetry” with Francisco X. Alarcon, Judy Grahn and Dean Alan Jones. She published her first collection of poems, Into the Great Green Heart of God in 2005.
Hear “Inner/Outer Connections”
Sermon by The Rev. Jeff Cheifetz, May 10, 2009
Scripture readings: Acts 8:26-40 and John 15:1-8
Hear “Building Houses on Sand: Recession’s Lessons in Living a Spiritual Life”
Spiritual Message by parishoner Alex Lindsay, May 3, 2009
Scripture readings: Matthew 7:24-27
Alex Lindsay, grew up in the General Church and came to the SF Swedenborgian Church with his wife, Carrletta, in 2005. He has spent over 20 years producing computer graphics and worked locally at Lucasfilm and then Industrial Light and Magic before founding dvGarage, a training company for media artists and the Pixel Corps, a Guild for Media Developers.
Hear “We Are Witnesses”
Sermon by The Rev. Jeff Cheifetz, April 26, 2009
Scripture readings: Acts 3:12-19 and Luke 24:36b-48
Hear “After Easter, The Laundry”
Spiritual Message by Dr. Sherrie Connelly, April 19, 2009
Scripture readings: Psalm 111 and Matthew 14
Sherrie Connelly is preparing for Swedenborgian ministry at the Swedenborg House of Studies in Berkeley, and completed her MDiv degree at Starr King School for the Ministry, with a concentration in pastoral care and spirituality in May 2008. She is passionate about providing spiritual companionship as we journey the paths of our lives. Since 2007, Sherrie has served as a Chaplain Resident at the University of California Davis Medical Center in Sacramento, a Trauma I facility, where she supports patients and family members at the end of life. She relishes rich time spent offering spiritual direction, and will complete the Spiritual Directors Institute at Mercy Center in Burlingame next month.
Hear “Inner/Outer Resurrection”
or read it here
Sermon by The Rev. Jeff Cheifetz, April 12, 2009
Scripture readings: Acts 10:34-43 and John 20:1-18
Read the Tenebrae Service Message
Sermon by The Rev. Jeff Cheifetz, April 9, 2009
Scripture readings: Luke 22:7-8, Mark 14:32-42, Luke 4:16-30, John 6:60-66, John 7:1-5, John 7:45-52, Luke 22:47-53, Luke 22:54-62, and Matthew 27:45-54
Hear “Trouble Will Bury Me Down”
Sermon by The Rev. Megan Rohrer, April 5, 2009
Scripture readings: Psalm 118:1-2, 19-29 and Mark 11:1-11
The Rev. Megan Rohrer is a Lutheran pastor who has served as the director of the Welcome Ministry, which is housed at Old First Presbyterian Church at Van Ness and Sacramento, since 2002. Pastor Megan joins us on the second day of a seven day street retreat (living on the streets for seven days and nights in San Francisco’s Tenderloin). This is the seventh time Pastor Megan has been on street retreat.
Hear “Testing Faith”
or read it here
Spiritual Message by Dr. Darleen Pryds, March 29, 2009
Scripture readings: Genesis 22:1-29, 10-13, 15-18 and Romans 8:31-34
Darleen Pryds, Ph.D., is a Professor of Christian Spirituality at the Franciscan School of Theology of the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley. She specialized in historical studies and is considered one of the country’s leading experts in lay Christian preaching in the medieval period. She has taken an interest in Swedenborg recently and sits on Jim Lawrence’s doctoral dissertation committee.
Hear “Look and Live”
Sermon by The Rev. Jeff Cheifetz, March 22, 2009
Scripture readings: Numbers 21:4-9 and John 3:14-21
Hear “‘Til You Sing It”
or read it here
Spiritual Message by Christine Laitner, March 15, 2009
Scripture readings: Isaiah 42:10-13 and Psalm 137:1-6
Chris Laitner, B.A., M.M. Chris is honored to be serving as President of the General Convention of the Swedenborgian Church in North America. She is the first laywoman to hold this post. She is a retired teacher, having taught general music, choral music, English, and a little Latin during her thirty-three year career. Chris also has been a department chairman, district curriculum committee chair, writer for State of Michigan curricula and a university online adjunct instructor. She lives in Midland, Michigan, and has two nieces, a nephew, four great-nephews and a great niece.
Hear “Who Do I Say That I Am?”
Sermon by The Rev. Jeff Cheifetz, March 8, 2009
Scripture readings: Genesis 17:1-10, 15-16 and Mark 8:27-38
Read “A New Start, Big Time”
Sermon by The Rev. Jeff Cheifetz, March 1, 2009
Scripture readings: Genesis 9:8-17 and Mark 1:9-15
Hear “Holy Fear”
Spiritual Message by Rodrigo Marcus, February 22, 2009
Scripture readings: 2 Kings 2:1-12 and Mark 9:2-9
Rodrigo Marcus, M.A. is a dream practitioner, retreat director, and spiritual director. He facilitates dream groups in the East Bay and retreats across the U.S. He completed his Master’s Degree in Consciousness Studies, and certificates in Dream Studies and Spiritual Direction. He is a parishioner and father of two boys, Rafael and Javier.
Hear “Anonymous”
Sermon by The Rev. Jeff Cheifetz, February 15, 2009
Scripture readings: 2 Kings 5:1-14 and Mark 1:40-45
Hear “Jesus’ Ministry of Healing”
Sermon by The Rev. Joan Huff, February 8, 2009
Scripture readings: Psalm 147:1-11 and Mark 1:29-39
Rev. Joan Huff, is a retired minister member of the Presbytery of San Francisco. She serves as a Parish Associate at 7th Avenue Presbyterian Church in San Francisco as an occasional preacher and a spiritual director. Joan lives in San Francisco amid all her nuclear family including her parents in assisted living, and her 3 year old grandson Tyler for whom she cares every Wednesday.
Hear “The Prophetic Word”
Sermon by The Rev. Jeff Cheifetz, February 1, 2009
Scripture readings: Deuteronomy 18:15-20 and Mark 1:21-28
Hear “The Opening Of Spiritual Sight”
Sermon by The Rev. Lana Sandahl, January 25, 2009
Scripture readings: Psalm 62:5-12
Hear “Called To Be Light”
or read it here
Spiritual Message by Christine Rodgers, January 18, 2009
Scripture readings: 1 Samuel 3:1-10 and John 1:43-51
Christine Rodgers is an actor and poet living in San Francisco. Her poetry has appeared in America, National Catholic Reporter, Radical Grace and on a variety of websites. In 2000 she appeared as a panelist in The Forum at Grace Cathedral entitled “The Creative Spirit in Poetry” with Francisco X. Alarcon, Judy Grahn and Dean Alan Jones. She published her first collection of poems, Into the Great Green Heart of God in 2005.
Hear “In The Beginning”
Sermon by The Rev. Jeff Cheifetz, January 11, 2009
Scripture readings: Genesis 1:1-5 and John 1:10-18
Hear “The Word Enfleshed In Us”
Sermon by The Rev. Jeff Cheifetz, January 4, 2009
Scripture readings: Jeremiah 31:7-14 and Mark 1:4-11