Hear “Deciding for Divinity”
Spiritual Message by Rodrigo Marcus, January 2, 2005
We move closer to God — “Choosing God” — not only when we intentionally look for the Divine behind creation, but also when we intend loving thoughts and feelings towards others, even if we have to fake it . . . until we make it.
Scripture readings: Isaiah 52:7-10 and Luke 2:25-32Hear “The Treasure We Become”
Sermon by The Rev. Rachel Rivers, January 9, 2005
The story of “Artaban: The Other Wise Man” reveals what we believe and have faith in is a lens through which we experience life, and a language through which we interpret our life experience. It has a great influence on how we act and react, and in forming who we ultimately become.
Scripture readings: Matthew 2:1-12 and Matthew 25:31-40Hear “Who Am I?”
Spiritual Message by Alison Bailey, January 16, 2005
How can one know who they are when they don’t know their own father? Learning to forgive in finding out the truth about one’s past, and learning to recognize past and present problems as part of God’s divine curriculum.
Scripture readings: Genesis 1:26-27, Matthew 6:22-23 and 1 Corinthians 13:4; 11-13
Hear “Impermanence and Eternity: The Path Between”
or read it here
Sermon by The Rev. Kim Hinrichs, January 23, 2005
Looking through a Buddhist, Taoist and Swedenborgian Christian lens, Rev. Hinrichs reflects on the impermanent nature of being and its indication of our coexistence in time and eternity, or, in Swedenborgian terms, our coexistence in the spiritual and natural worlds. Scripture reading: Mark 13:31-37
Hear “The Choice is Ours”
Sermon by The Rev. Rachel Rivers, January 30, 2005
Hear “The Word Of God”
Sermon by The Rev. Rachel Rivers, February 6, 2005
A focus on how we can utilize the Lenten season to make welcome and meaningful changes in our lives.
Scripture readings: Genesis 3:1-7 and Matthew 4:1-11
Hear “Being There”
Sermon by The Rev. Dr. Jim Laurence, February 13, 2005
Rev. Dr. Jim Lawrence inspects the hidden meaning of the parable of Martha and Mary, noting that the “natural love of God” exemplified by Martha’s industriousness is no less important in today’s world of “workaholism” than the “spiritual love of God” shown by Mary, who sat throughout, contemplatively, at Christ’s feet.
Scripture readings: Genesis 18:1-10 and Luke 10:38-42
Hear “Jesus Wept”
Sermon by The Rev. Rachel Rivers, March 13, 2005
Scripture readings: Ezekiel 37:1-14 and John 11:1-44
Hear “Beyond Hosanna”
Sermon by The Rev. Kathy Speas, March 20, 2005
Scripture readings: Psalm 118:1-2, 19-29 and Matthew 21:1-11
Hear “Receiving The Easter Message”
Sermon by The Rev. Rachel Rivers, March 27, 2005
Scripture readings: John 20:1-8 and John 20:10-18
Hear “Thomas the Doubter”
Sermon by The Rev. Dr. William McKinney, April 3, 2005
Scripture readings: Psalm 16 and John 20:19-31
Hear “Eyes for the Seeing”
Sermon by The Rev. Andy Stinson, April 10, 2005
Scripture readings: Isaiah 43:1-7 and Luke 24:13-49
Read “Keeping the Peace”
Spiritual Message by Janet Council, July 10, 2005
Scripture readings: Isaiah 57:18-21 and Galatians 5:22
Read “Let Everything That Breathes Praise The Lord!”
Spiritual Message by Eric Hoffman, July 17, 2005
Scripture readings: Psalm 81 and Revelation 19:1-8
Read “Practicing the Divine Path, A Universal Teaching”
Spiritual Message by Thais da Rosa, PhD, CTS, August 21, 2005
Read “Person To Person”
Spiritual Message by Bill Danz, October 9, 2005
Scripture readings: Philippians 4:4-9 and James 1:22-25
Read “Prosper the Work of Our Hands”
Sermon by The Rev. Sage S. Rohrer, November 13, 2005
Scripture readings: Matthew 25:12-30 and Psalm 90