Choose Your Path Wisely

Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. Matthew … Read more

What’s Truly Important?

► Hear “What’s Truly Important?” Sermon by The Reverend Junchol Lee, June 25, 2017 Scripture readings: Isaiah 3:10-17, Mark 9:33-37 There are many things that … Read more

Why David?

► Hear “Why David?” Sermon by The Reverend Junchol Lee, May 21, 2017 Scripture readings: 1 Samuel 16:1-13, Matthew 18:1-5 On this Sunday, we reflect … Read more

Who Is A Good Leader?

► Hear “Who Is A Good Leader?” Sermon by The Reverend Junchol Lee, April 30, 2017 Scripture readings: 1 Samuel 15:17-31, John 10:11-18 There is … Read more

A Reflection on Death and Resurrection

► Hear “A Reflection on Death and Resurrection” Sermon by The Reverend Junchol Lee, April 16, 2017 Scripture readings: Daniel 12:1-13, Mark 16:1-8 Today on … Read more

Holding a Palm Branch In Your Hand

► Hear “Holding a Palm Branch In Your Hand” Sermon by The Reverend Junchol Lee, April 9, 2017 Scripture readings: Exodus 15:22-27, John 12:12-19 Today … Read more

Apparent Truth Comes First

► Hear “Apparent Truth Comes First” Sermon by The Reverend Junchol Lee, April 2, 2017 Scripture readings: 1 Samuel 9:1-26, Matthew 18:1-5 We explore the … Read more