
Worship in Meditation

September 8, 2024

Prelude: “Gabriel’s Oboe” from the motion picture The Mission by Ennio Morricone – Kimie Karlton, pianist

Greetings & Announcements

Opening of the Holy Word

Contemplation I

Meditation with Music: “Towards The Light” by Patrick Hawes

Scripture Readings: Mark 8:1-9; Numbers 14:26-3; Secrets of Heaven #2708 (Swedenborg)

Time for Children

Contemplation II

Reflection with Music: “Good Night!” from On an Overgrown Path by Leos Janacek

Contemplation III

Meditation with Gong

Silent Meditation /Deep Prayer

Mindful Offering: “The Mission” from the motion picture The Mission by E. Morricone


Postlude: Humoreske by Antonin Dvorak