Who teaches the fathers?

We have become orphans, fatherless; our mothers are like widows. … The joy of our hearts has ceased; our dancing has been turned to mourning.  

Lamentation 5:3 & 15

Dear members and friends,

Personally, Father’s Day comes with complex feelings. On one hand, I am very grateful to be the father of two beautiful and amazing children. But on the other hand, I grew up virtually fatherless. My father was alive until I was 27 but I only met him three times after my parents divorced when I was very young. As a father, I now understand what my children mean to me, and what I am willing to do for their sake. I used to believe that my father loved me despite his challenging situation. But I am no longer very certain about that because as a father, I know what I might have done for my children if I were in his shoes. Despite it all, at times I still wish my father could have been present and taught me some important things about life. 

According to the Bible, the role of a father is the protector and provider for the family. Thus, under a wise and strong father children might grow up with joy in their hearts. As the time was very cruel to women and children, a fatherless family meant having no means of survival. Living in the 21st century, especially in the United States, the role of a father is not exactly the same as in the old biblical days. What seems to be expected of a father these days is not just to provide and protect, but also be present with guidance, comfort, and wisdom for life. In other words, a father in this modern community is expected to be much more than the fathers in the old days. The biggest challenge is that there is virtually no one to teach modern men how to be good fathers in this challenging and rapidly-changing world. 

My brothers and sisters in God, let us take a moment this week to think of our fathers. If you had or still have a good father, be grateful for his existence and love for you. If you did not have such a good father or never had a father in your life, it is okay. You have the heavenly Father to connect to. Lastly, let us encourage and celebrate all men who are trying to be a good father despite the challenges and uncertainty.  

Blessings, Rev. Junchol Lee