Take this Time to Reflect

For you shall go out in joy,  and be led back in peace;

the mountains and the hills before you   shall burst into song,

and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.

Isaiah 55:12

Dear members and friends,

In appearance, there seems to be a lot going on. Yet in reality, there is just one particular virus that is scaring us all. Other than that, everything else is just the emotional responses of people that often create a chain of negative and fear-based reactions. The world is not going to end. And soon, this scare will be over!

Let’s take a deep breath and appreciate this unconventional opportunity. This time could be taken as an unexpected blessing to disengage ourselves from all distractions, and to engage deeply into the spiritual core and cultivation of our mind. I have a few recommendations that could be helpful in moving towards that direction:

First, create a fixed and limited time frame for checking news and engaging in social media. You might want to know every update and be connected with everyone, but doing so all day every day will only result in more stress and an uneasy mind. You know enough for now. If good news comes around, you will definitely find out!

Second, make a list of things that you can actually do in this time given where you are. For instance, calling your friends or family, reading an actual book, or reorganizing and cleaning your house, which you’ve probably been putting off. It is much more satisfying to think about and make plans for things that you can accomplish!

Third, make time for self-reflection. Often, I hear from people that they do not have time for themselves. Well, now we all have the time! This could be the perfect opportunity to reflect upon yourself, what you have been doing, what you would like to do next, and why. All ancient sages strongly recommended that knowing and understanding oneself is the key to have a fulfilling and content life!

The last thing that I recommend is to engage yourself with joyful activities either by yourself or with the people in your household. Free your mind from all the fears, worries, and unrealistic burdens and be present in the moment you have with joy and delight. Life still continues and our minds prefer to have joys and delights over worries and fears!

Blessings, Rev. Junchol Lee